Nayland 10k 2024 and beyond

Hello everyone!

Hope all is well with you all.

Sorry we've been a little quiet lately but we wanted to share an update on the 2024 Nayland 10k.

It hasn't been an easy decision to make but we've decided to take a break from organising the Nayland 10k this year.

We're a really small team who organise the event in our spare time, so we've decided to give ourselves a well earned break from it this year, to come back rested and rejuvenated!

Building the event over the years has been a great privilege, raising over £10,000 for local charities and creating incredible memories of achievement for those of you who have taken part.

We just want to take this opportunity to sincerely thank you all for making the event so memorable over the past seven years and hope you can bear with us while we take this time out.

Our special thanks must also go to the Nayland Community Council for their unwavering support, our dedicated team of volunteers for giving up their time to support the event, SESAW Animal Rescue, and Richard our compare and sound technician from Sound4Pro Audio.

We're also very grateful to our sponsors for their ongoing commitment to the event, Royal Hospital School and Littlegarth School, who we must also thank for being a wonderful host over the years. Not forgetting Iain and the team at Nayland Village Hall, thank you for your help and support.

It's definitely not a goodbye, but more of a see you soon! The 10k will be back, so watch this space for updates and news on the next event.

Your support has meant the world to us, and we're truly grateful. Let's stay connected, and take care.